Can PixelRF Radiofrequency Skin Resurfacing Remove Acne Scars?
Are you starting to notice sun damage on your skin after years of fun in the sun? Or do you have bothersome acne scars from acne breakouts? While damage like this, fine lines and wrinkles, rough texture, and more is often harmless, it can cause embarrassment, self-consciousness, and more. The good news is, though, that you don’t have to live with these skin irregularities.
At Integrative Pain and Wellness Center in Southlake, TX, we offer a number of nonsurgical aesthetic treatments to help our patients look and feel better. One of those treatments is pixel radiofrequency (PixelRF) skin resurfacing. This cutting-edge procedure is used to safely and gently remove dead and damaged skin to giving you glowing and smooth skin, and can be customized to meet your specific needs by targeting problem areas.
What can radiofrequency skin resurfacing treat?
PixelRF skin resurfacing is most common for men and women who are looking to improve the appearance of their skin on their face and neck and other parts of the body. Some of the most common irregularities people have treated are:
- Sun-damaged skin
- Age spots
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Acne scars
- Redness or other pigmentation issues
- Rough texture
- Scaly patches
- Enlarged Pores
- Dull Skin
For those with loose skin, nonsurgical skin rejuvenation at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center may also be beneficial.
How does PixelRF skin resurfacing work?
Using the Accent Prime PixelRF, this procedure is performed while you relax in one of our comfortable treatment beds in a private procedure area. Our PixelRF treatment consists of 4 pases over the surface of the skin. The first two passes create a ablate the top layer of the skin, while the third and forth passes send heat and readiofrequency waves deep into the epidermis prompting collagen growth. This allows the epidermis to heal faster giving the skin a smoother texture. PixelRF is effective at eliminating damaged skin without causing damage to your surrounding tissue. Most commonly performed on the face and neck, this treatment can be used anywhere you want to improve your skin.
How does PixelRF skin resurfacing help acne scars?
Acne scars are created when bacteria at the surface of the skin is extracted by picking or using a tool. Some patients experience acne scars due to nodular acne. Minimizing acne scars is possible at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center in Southlake, TX. During this skin rejuvenating session, the PixelRF skin resurfacing treatment will work promote collagen production therefore filling in the divots on the surface of the skin, leaving a softer and smoother complexion. While more than one treatment might be necessary, this could be an effective way to eliminate acne scarring and revitalize your overall appearance for younger-looking skin.
Does (PixelRF) radiofrequency skin resurfacing hurt?
Whether treating acne scars or something else, our PixelRF treatments are both safe and effective. Some patients may experience minor to no discomfort. During your visit a topical anesthetic will be applied to the treatment area. Our aesthetics practitioner's have the ability to control both the speed and intensity of the treatment. We are attentive to your needs and take all the necessary precautions to ensure you have a pleasant experience.
If you are interested in creating a healthy, beautiful, and youthful skin tone with PixelRF skin resurfacing, schedule an appointment in Southlake, TX at Integrative Pain and Wellness Center to speak with one of our staff members. See how this treatment could help you.